My Books

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Scholastic/Graphix AUG 2012Yen Press - Sept. 2010

CarolRhoda - March 2012

Sold exclusively at Hallmark stores


Places you can find me

Posts from previous website

Bird and Squirrel now on sale!

My newest graphic novel Bird and Squirrel on the Run hits stores today. Woo hoooo! It's a really fun book that's guaranteed to make you laugh at least three times. Any and all laughs after that are a bonus. My gift to you. If you happen to pick up the book let me know what you think. Thanks. 

Here are some links to places where you can pick up or order Bird and Squirrel on the Run.

Barnes and Noble



San Diego Comic Con

In two days, I'll be heading out to San Diego Comic Con for what I believe is my 12th year of exhibiting. It was 5 years ago at Comic Con that I was approached by my lit agent Kelly Sonnack and we've been making and selling books together ever since. It's crazy how much time has passed. This year i'll have brand spanking new copies of Bird and Squirrel for sale before they are released on Aug. 1st as well as the other prints and books pictured below. I'll be at table E1 at the end of row 700 with my friend and fellow author/illustrator Mike Boldt. Stop by, have a moose burger and some maple syrup, and say "Hi!" 


American Library Assoc. Conference 2012

I'll be at ALA this weekend in Aneheim. Here's where you'll be able to find me if you're attending the conference. Most of the time I'll be hanging out at my table in Artist Alley. It's table #580 in the Graphic Novel/Gaming Pavilion. Stop by and say hello and check out all my books and look at some of my art.

On Saturday I have a few things happening:

From 10:00 - 11:00am I'll be signing copies of Beep and Bah at the Lerner Publishing Booth #2228. They will be giving away copies of Beep and Bah so make sure you come early. I'll be drawing sketches of Beep and/or Bah inside each one.

From 1:30 - 3:30pm I'll be taking part in a panel called Animated Tales: Storytelling in comics and animation and everything in between. The panel features Dan Santat, Bob Boyle, Tom Warburton and myself. Here's the full description:

Readers old and young have grown up fans of animation, cartoons, comics, and graphic novels. Given the renaissance in graphic novels in recent years, it’s no surprise that animators are turning to the printed page to tell their stories. Animation flourishes on TV and in film from Fairly Oddparents! to The Iron Giant to Avatar: The Last Airbender, and the rise of comics has led to all kinds of crossovers between traditional illustration, comics, and animation. Join a diverse panel of creators, including animators and comics creators, to discuss the state of animation and comics, how storytelling is both similar and different in each medium, and which stories belong on the screen or on the page (or both!).

From 4:00 - 5:00pm I'll be signing copies of my new graphic novel Bird and Squirrel on the Run at the Scholastic booth #2634. This book doesn't come out till Aug 1st so this will be your chance to get it early. 

The rest of the time I'll be hanging out at my table in Artist Alley #580.

I think that's about it. I'm looking forward to meeting everyone that's in attendence. See ya there!


Tea 4 Two

Here's an illustration that I just finished for fun. I'll most likely be selling it as a print at this years San Diego Comic Con. 


Gone Fishing

Here's another finished illustration for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy.